Matthew Carver マシュー・カーヴァー

マシュー・カーヴァーは、ロンドン芸術大学チェルシー・カレッジ・オブ・アートにて修士、カナダのヨーク大学にて学士を取得。ベルリン、シンガポール、クアラルンプール、カナダで個展を開催、また、ロンドン、ベルリン、ドバイ、アジアなど、数々のクリティカルな国際グループ展にも参加している。これには、南京大学付属美術館での《In / Outsource Nei Xiao / Wei bao》展、ケイ・サアチとカトリーナ・ウォレン(ArtReview誌の20年来の編集長)のキュレーションによる《Anticipation》展、上海MoCAのキュレーターであるヴィクトリア・リウのキュレーションによる《Museum Presents:The New Empire》と題されたスコープ・バーゼルでの特別展も含まれる。カーバーの作品は、第12回カイロビエンナーレにも選出され、Canadian Emerging Artist Prize(現在のRBC Painting Prize)の受賞者でもある。彼の作品は多くの重要な国際コレクションに収蔵されている。カナディアンアート誌、ボーダークロッシング誌、MOMUS誌にコラムの寄稿も行っている。近年、マシューは、ベルリン、ロンドン、アジア各地など、9年ぶりにカナダに帰国。カナダの重鎮コマーシャルギャラリーである、クリストファー・カッツ・ギャラリー所属。

Matthew Carver received his Masters with ‘Distinction’ from The Chelsea College of Art at the University of the Arts, London, is a winner of The RBC Painting Prize and has considerable international experience with solo shows in Berlin, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Canada. He has participated in many prestigious international group exhibitions from London, to Berlin, Dubai and throughout Asia, with perhaps the most important being the 12th Cairo Biennale. Here, his large paintings of riot police and an anamorphic painting were presented in the front section of the Palace of the Arts, a bridge away from Tahrir Square, where the Egyptian Revolution exploded less than a month after the opening. Some of these very same paintings were prominently displayed five years later at the Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts exhibition, In/Out Source – Nei Xiao/Wei bao. Other exhibitions include Anticipation, curated by Kay Saatchi and Catriona Warren (the editor of ArtReview magazine for 20 years) and Museum Presents: The New Empire (curated by Victoria Lu of the Shanghai MoCA) at Scope Basel. Observers may see a multitude of differing imagery and subject matter in his bodies of painting, but for Matthew, it coalesces with riot police, frenetic cityscapes, quiet fictional interiors and dream-like figurative compositions, linking and flowing into new narratives. His aim is to present a morphing, slippery vision of a contemporary, or possible near future mirror-world with its capitalist society on over-drive alongside an amorphous, quiet one with hints of the ghosts within modernism, allowing the viewer to pick up on cues and enter the narrative where they feel pulled. His work is in many notable international collections and he is represented in Canada by the Christopher Cutts Gallery.